I also have hopes that we may get to ability to craft better bows and arrows in the new workshop in the fullness of time. I'm mostly a bow player rather than using rifles, but I suspect that I'm in the minority for preferring that.

I think that's part of the reasoning behind BI it's there to provide a late game challenge to the players that have been running for hundreds of days, with a big prize at the end (craftable ammunition!) that make it. for some people it does (I'm livin' off the land!) for some people it doesn't (I'm bored! Gotta fire up a new one). Part of that is whether or not the deep game appeals to you or not. I guess part of my thinking on this is that given that you're starting as someone who's just landed there with nearly nothing, difficult early game and "easy" deep game makes sense. Nearly died that day but I managed to pull the berries out of the fire, as it were. My long run guy has frostbite because of that. The main difficulty I find in long games is keeping boredom from making you do stupid stuff that gets you killed. I guess it kind of depends on what you mean by difficulties. Surely it is in Hinterland's interest to make the game more welcoming to new buyers. It could be better for TLD to have a easier start, then have the difficulties build up as players gain more skill. This probably results in quite a few people giving up, regarding it as a no-enjoyment game and passing on their negative views. I suspect that many people who are new to the game will be put off by the difficulties at the start. I am finding this new start difficult in spite of being able to sail along in long Stalker games. Seeing that update 1.64 was out I decided to start a new game, Stalker, with one notch fewer wolf spawns. I normally play long games, hundreds of game days, so I had forgotten this problem until I persuaded a friend to buy the game and heard of the difficulties he was having. Once you gain skills, especially when you get to skill level 5 the game is much easier. Starting with few resources and skill level 1 makes the game difficult.

There is a major fundamental problem with TLD.